Dental Implants are the preferred method for replacing missing teeth.
If you have one or more missing teeth, replacing them with dental implants is not only important for your oral health, but for your overall general health as well. With tooth loss, you not only lose the ability to chew correctly, but left untreated, the condition can cause other teeth to be lost or crowded. Also, your smile and facial appearance is altered which can lead to poor self-esteem.
Dental Implants are made of titanium and comes in various shapes and sizes to fit the situation. Most are cylinders placed into bone and allowed to heal undisturbed while the bone heals around them. After a few months, the implants are used as a foundation for replacing the missing tooth with a porcelain dental crown.
Dental implants are also used in conjunction with complete dentures, dental bridges, and orthodontic treatment. Since a dental implant is set into the jawbone and will not move, it will provide the stability and anchor needed for these types of prosthesis and orthodontic treatments.