If you suffer from dental anxiety and fear or are just plain terrified of going to the dentist, then sedation may be the answer for you. Many people are afraid because they’ve had bad experiences with past dental visits, or they’re just afraid there may be pain and discomfort involved with the dental procedures. With the various levels of sedation dentistry available today, both oral and IV intravenous, you can virtually sleep through your dental visit and, remember very little to nothing about the dental procedure itself.
The sedation dentistry procedure involves the dentist giving you sedative drugs to keep you relaxed and anxiety-free throughout your dental visit. You can become so relaxed that you’ll have very little to no recollection of the dental procedure itself. This type of procedure is for you if you’re afraid of being put under with general anesthesia.
The sedative drugs your dentist will use range from nitrous oxide and local anesthetics, to oral and IV tranquilizers. Your experience of the dental procedure being performed that generally would take hours, will seem like it happened in just a matter of minutes and along those lines, a procedure that would normally require multiple visits to the dental office, can now be handled in just one or two visits.
If you try sedation dentistry and find it has lowered or eliminated your anxiety and fear, you will likely return to the dentist whenever you need other dental work done which will insure greater overall oral health.
Las Vegas Sedation Dentist Dr. Azimi, DDS can help eliminate your dental anxiety and fear with both Oral and IV Intravenous Sedation if you’re in the Las Vegas area. San Jose Sedation Dentist Grant F Shimizu, DDS provides Oral Conscious sedation, and Dr. Heidari can provide both Oral and IV Intravenous Sedation dentistry in Palo Alto, San Jose, and Aptos.